Are you in a relational transition?

Support for families in transition

The name “PerekBee”  –  hebrew for ‘Chapter two’ is referring to the formation of a new family unit with children from previous relations. 
Are you in a beginning of a new relation? Are you about to connect two families to one unit?
Are you aware of repeating any unwanted pattern in your relation?
Do you want to be amongst the 30% that succeed in their fragile Perekbee? Need support during one or several difficult phases?

What makes PerekBee’s unique?

The synergy of academic knowledge, work and life experience, methods and attitudes counts. I have specialized in the area of change both academically, professionally and personally.  My toolkit is broad deriving from two degrees in psychology mixed with 25 years of working experience with individuals and groups as a change management consultant in several organisations. During that same time I have lived Eva Gynnerstedt Imagein two different reconstructed ‘perekbet’ families. I have learned a lot from these circumstances; about change itself, resistance, and about the significant differences between a new ‘first time family’ and a ‘second time family’. The differences in the construction, characteristics, pitfalls, challenges and needs are too big to be ignored.

PerekBee works with successful and unique methods. One new and very unique method that has shown to be very effective with good results is the combination of traditional therapeutic sessions with horse assisted meetings. It is done on a ranch together with a certified horse therapist, Eric Benysti, who passionately works with people of all ages on a daily basis with all kind of needs. We discovered the fact that combining our professions would be a perfect match. Since we have gone throw a special training together to be able to be of assistance to individuals, couples, families and groups. Encountering a horse in this special setting will explore new important information about one self that will effectively assists in our work together. Both Eric and myself have further personally experienced radical changes in life to understand what it takes of hard work.

Looking for patterns

A separation is most often followed by a mourning and recovery process with a time of self-seeking and dealing with the experience of solitude. Before getting involved in a new relation it might be good to look inside a bit to explore what caused the separation. Are there maybe patterns in your way of thinking or behaving that influence your relation in an unfavorable direction? Having by your side a personal professional coachl will make you aware of your own issues to avoid them to be repeated.

Challenges in handling differences

All changes in life need adjustments from us wether we want it or not. A new relation is a new fresh start. Are there children involved? When it comes to the situation of two divorcees coming together with their existing systems (children), it is common to encounter various challenges and sometimes pitfalls. It almost never happens that a reconstructed family comes together with the same sets of norms and attitudes. In fact, statistics in Israel show us that as many as 70% of the reconstructed families do not last because of challenges in the joining. Different norms, habits, and values become more and more apparent. There are phases in the construction of the new unit that are particularly difficult and complex. Being a trained mediator, I can support you to deal with the conflicts at an early stage, even before they occur, to avoid further complications later on.

A Scandinavian touch

Being born and raised in Sweden and having had my professional training there, there are certain basic ideas that characterizes my work. I have a strong belief in the positive influence nature has on us. I deliberately provide an untypical and natural surrounding for all our sessions, either off shore on a yacht in Yafo or with horses on a ranch far from the traditional office. We are more apt to change in a constructive way if we have a powerful and supportive environment. Further I promote human integrity, freedom of choice and solidarity between man and woman.

Beside Swedish I work in English, Frensh and Hebrew, and on demand on Skype.

10 + 10 =

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